The Need
- Establish Spiketrap’s brand personality & purpose to help guide product decisions & focus.
- Define Spiketrap’s brand voice ahead of expansions into new product lines & verticals.
The Highlights
- Surveyed and interviewed key stakeholders about their perspectives of the organization.
- Assessed results & determined the primary, secondary, and tertiary facets of the brand’s personality archetype.
- Leveraged these findings to develop the tenets of the brand voice and the tone that should be taken with clients.
Other Projects
Crafting Solutions for Marketers
Launching a reporting capability designed for measuring campaign performance based on audience sentiment & engagement.
Creating Oceans with Context
Creating a blue ocean opportunity for an NLP AI insights platform to leverage its existing contextual capabilities to serve the advertisers
Brand Safety Tool GTM
Launching a first-of-its-kind NLP AI powered brand safety tool for gaming
Shaping the Product
Educating internal teams on market dynamics and consumer behaviors to guide product & AI model improvements.
Platform Solution Narrative
Unified publisher solution narrative for disparate platforms within an enterprise ad tech company.
Unlocking Choice: CMP GTM
Positioning and GTM strategy for the InMobi Choice CMP, a consent management platform acquired by Quantcast and improved to serve the mobile ecosystem.
Demystifying Ad Mediation
Positioning and GTM strategy for Meson, a SaaS ad mediation platform, which aimed to educate & empower publishers while challenging the status quo.
SaaS Promotion & Education
Ongoing product marketing for an enterprise SaaS platform serving the video game industry.
Spiketrap Brand Personality & Voice
Establishing the brand personality & voice for an innovative audience insights platform serving the gaming industry.
Discover Why
Piquing the curiosity of market researchers and inspiring them to attain deeper insight into their audiences.
Marketing to the Power of X
Redefining the AUDIENCEX brand positioning to better convey its value & resonate with mid-market advertisers.
Go Beyond: Compass SDK
Positioning and GTM strategy for the Compass SDK launch, which invited publishers to #GoBeyond with AdColony.